
sbt-ethereum tasks related to managing keys and wallets of addresses from which this installation of sbt-ethereum may originate transactions.



> ethKeystoreFromJsonImport

Allows user to paste the raw JSON of a V3 wallet and have it integrated into the sbt-ethereum “shoebox” keystore.

Note: For now this is just an alias to ethKeystoreWalletV3FromJsonImport. In the future, it may import to other formats than a JSON V3 wallet.


> ethKeystoreFromJsonImport
V3 Wallet JSON: {"address":"aecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa","crypto":{"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","ciphertext":"ab06b8aac3fffcf51ec3da63f656298d27e038816a28f4b35094a74a55450fbc","kdfparams":{"p":1,"r":8,"salt":"ca142093f3b5d0f73924b87fa521d4f2ccbab892048d01dfa8d5b025cf09b371","dklen":32,"n":262144},"cipherparams":{"iv":"9e7603b0f3db200467aef294affbfc26"},"kdf":"scrypt","mac":"fb5bc3e62f4ce7da7ad168e6dfa2c5bd2a2c7a955822a8080ef4f300103ba301"},"id":"e4ff0e97-9483-49a2-8fe5-f1eef1941ba9","version":3}
[info] Imported JSON wallet for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa', but have not validated it.
[info] Consider validating the JSON using 'ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa'.
Would you like to define an alias for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
Please enter an alias for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (on chain with ID 1): red-wallet-main
[info] Alias 'red-wallet-main' now points to address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 58 s, completed Jul 11, 2019, 2:07:38 PM



> ethKeystoreFromPrivateKeyImport

Allows user to enter a 32-byte hex private key, and integrate that key and its associated Ethereum address into the sbt-ethereum shoebox keystore.

Note: For now this is just an alias to ethKeystoreWalletV3FromPrivateKeyImport. In the future, it may import to other formats than a JSON V3 wallet.


> ethKeystoreFromPrivateKeyImport
Please enter the private key you would like to import (as 32 hex bytes): ****************************************************************
The imported private key corresponds to address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354'. Is this correct? [y/n] y
Generating V3 wallet, alogorithm=pbkdf2, c=262144, dklen=32
Enter passphrase for new wallet: ***************
Please retype to confirm: ***************
[info] Wallet created and imported into sbt-ethereum shoebox: '/Users/testuser/Library/Application Support/sbt-ethereum'. Please backup, via 'ethShoeboxBackup' or manually.
[info] Consider validating the wallet using 'ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354'.
Would you like to define an alias for address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
Please enter an alias for address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (on chain with ID 1): blue-wallet-main
[info] Alias 'blue-wallet-main' now points to address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 146 s, completed Jul 11, 2019, 1:59:58 PM



> ethKeystoreList

Displays the Ethereum addresses in sbt-ethereum’s “shoebox” keystore, and any aliases associated with those addresses.


> ethKeystoreList
| Keystore Addresses                         |
| 0x1144f4f7aad0c463c667e0f8d73fc13f1e7e86a2 | <-- default-sender
| 0x13e3d8d785cdeb1d18f298dcf07ea35a659e157d | <-- secondary-address
[success] Total time: 11 s, completed Mar 15, 2019 11:56:14 PM



> ethKeystorePrivateKeyReveal <address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias>

Displays the raw hex private key associated with an Ethereum addresses in sbt-ethereum’s “shoebox” keystore.

This is obviously really dangerous! Anyone who sees the raw private key and, say, takes a quick snapshot, can easily steal any value or identity associated with your account


> ethKeystorePrivateKeyReveal 0xd78fe1d978ad8cc5a94484725d059bec694f215e
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0xd78fe1d978ad8cc5a94484725d059bec694f215e'
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0xd78fe1d978ad8cc5a94484725d059bec694f215e': ************************
Are you sure you want to reveal the unencrypted private key on this very insecure console? [Type YES exactly to continue, anything else aborts]: YES
[success] Total time: 10 s, completed Mar 16, 2019 12:01:18 AM



> ethKeystoreWalletV3Create

Creates a new “V3” JSON wallet representing an Ethereum address and a passcode-encrypted private key in sbt-ethereum’s “shoebox” keystore.


> ethKeystoreWalletV3Create
[info] Generated keypair for address '0xb3dd7fe3e7cdf45e8c6120df6ed9ddc2136714a8'
[info] Generating V3 wallet, alogorithm=scrypt, n=262144, r=8, p=1, dklen=32
Enter passphrase for new wallet: ***************
Please retype to confirm: ***************
[info] Wallet generated into sbt-ethereum shoebox: '/Users/testuser/Library/Application Support/sbt-ethereum'. Please backup, via 'ethShoeboxBackup' or manually.
[info] Consider validating the wallet using 'ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0xb3dd7fe3e7cdf45e8c6120df6ed9ddc2136714a8'.
Would you like to define an alias for address '0xb3dd7fe3e7cdf45e8c6120df6ed9ddc2136714a8' (on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
Please enter an alias for address '0xb3dd7fe3e7cdf45e8c6120df6ed9ddc2136714a8' (on chain with ID 1): green-wallet-main
[info] Alias 'green-wallet-main' now points to address '0xb3dd7fe3e7cdf45e8c6120df6ed9ddc2136714a8' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 25 s, completed Jul 11, 2019, 2:11:21 PM



> ethKeystoreWalletV3FromJsonImport

Allows user to paste the raw JSON of a V3 wallet and have it integrated into the sbt-ethereum “shoebox” keystore as a V3 JSON wallet.


> ethKeystoreWalletV3FromJsonImport
V3 Wallet JSON: {"address":"aecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa","crypto":{"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","ciphertext":"ab06b8aac3fffcf51ec3da63f656298d27e038816a28f4b35094a74a55450fbc","kdfparams":{"p":1,"r":8,"salt":"ca142093f3b5d0f73924b87fa521d4f2ccbab892048d01dfa8d5b025cf09b371","dklen":32,"n":262144},"cipherparams":{"iv":"9e7603b0f3db200467aef294affbfc26"},"kdf":"scrypt","mac":"fb5bc3e62f4ce7da7ad168e6dfa2c5bd2a2c7a955822a8080ef4f300103ba301"},"id":"e4ff0e97-9483-49a2-8fe5-f1eef1941ba9","version":3}
[info] Imported JSON wallet for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa', but have not validated it.
[info] Consider validating the JSON using 'ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa'.
Would you like to define an alias for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
Please enter an alias for address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (on chain with ID 1): red-wallet-main
[info] Alias 'red-wallet-main' now points to address '0xaecbfff6ccd465d9a7fe84079e1f20dfdf6e46aa' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 58 s, completed Jul 11, 2019, 2:07:38 PM



> ethKeystoreWalletV3FromPrivateKeyImport

Allows user to enter a 32-byte hex private key, and generate a JSON V3 wallet in sbt-ethereum’s “shoebox” keystore, which represents that private key password-encrypted, and its associated ethereum address.


> ethKeystoreWalletV3FromPrivateKeyImport
Please enter the private key you would like to import (as 32 hex bytes): ****************************************************************
The imported private key corresponds to address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354'. Is this correct? [y/n] y
Generating V3 wallet, alogorithm=pbkdf2, c=262144, dklen=32
Enter passphrase for new wallet: ***************
Please retype to confirm: ***************
[info] Wallet created and imported into sbt-ethereum shoebox: '/Users/testuser/Library/Application Support/sbt-ethereum'. Please backup, via 'ethShoeboxBackup' or manually.
[info] Consider validating the wallet using 'ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354'.
Would you like to define an alias for address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
Please enter an alias for address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (on chain with ID 1): blue-wallet-main
[info] Alias 'blue-wallet-main' now points to address '0x2edb3588eef9257ad4d65e81b54c8049b0c79354' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 146 s, completed Jul 11, 2019, 1:59:58 PM



> ethKeystoreWalletV3Print <address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias>

Prints the V3 wallet representing a passcode-encrypted private key and its associated Ethereum address in raw JSON format.


> ethKeystoreWalletV3Print 0xd78fe1d978ad8cc5a94484725d059bec694f215e
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0xd78fe1d978ad8cc5a94484725d059bec694f215e'
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Mar 16, 2019 12:28:03 AM



> ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate

Verifies that new “V3” JSON wallet representing an Ethereum address in sbt-ethereum’s “shoebox” keystore can be unlocked with a given passcode or hex private key.


> ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate 0xa75b3640510b5073dff7dff22dd440c60cfdc72e
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0xa75b3640510b5073dff7dff22dd440c60cfdc72e'
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0xa75b3640510b5073dff7dff22dd440c60cfdc72e': *******************
[info] A wallet for address '0xa75b3640510b5073dff7dff22dd440c60cfdc72e' is valid and decodable with the credential supplied.
[success] Total time: 8 s, completed Mar 16, 2019 12:10:50 AM