Manage and switch between installed solidity compilers.
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerInstall <supported-solidity-compiler-version>
Installs a supported Solidity compiler into the sbt-ethereum shoebox.
Note: Use tab-completion to see available compiler versions!
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerInstall <tab>
0.4.10 0.4.18 0.4.22 0.4.24 0.4.7 0.4.8
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerInstall 0.4.10
[info] Installing local solidity compiler into the sbt-ethereum shoebox. This may take a few minutes.
[info] Installed local solcJ compiler, version 0.4.10 in '/Users/swaldman/Library/Application Support/sbt-ethereum/solcJ'.
[info] Testing newly installed compiler... ok.
[info] Refreshing compiler list.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 18, 2019 10:58:31 PM
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerList
Prints to the console the currently installed solidity compiler, as well as other versions available for installation.
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerList
[info] Updating available solidity compiler set.
[info] Installed compilers:
[info] --> local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.25
[info] --> local-shoebox-solc-v0.5.7
[info] --> local-shoebox-solc-v0.5.16
[info] --> local-shoebox-solc-v0.6.2
[info] Versions available to install: 0.4.7, 0.4.8, 0.4.10, 0.4.18, 0.4.22, 0.4.24, 0.4.25, 0.5.7, 0.5.16, 0.6.2
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jul 29, 2020, 11:26:06 PM
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerPrint
Prints to the console the currently active solidity compiler.
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerPrint
[info] Current solidity compiler 'local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.24', which refers to LocalSolc(Some(/Users/swaldman/Library/Application Support/sbt-ethereum/solcJ/0.4.24)).
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 18, 2019 10:59:37 PM
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerSelect <available-installed-compiler>
Switch to a different solidity compiler version than the one currently selected.
Note: Use tab-completion to see available installed compilers!
> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerSelect <tab>
local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.10 local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.18 local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.24 local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.7
sbt:ens-scala> ethLanguageSolidityCompilerSelect local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.10
[info] Set compiler to 'local-shoebox-solc-v0.4.10'
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 18, 2019 11:16:38 PM